Makes 1 litre
1 organic chicken carcass and bones, meat picked off
1 litre filtered water
3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar with the ‘Mother’
2 celery sticks
3 organic carrots topped and tailed
1 onion
2 bay leaves
Put carcass and bones in large saucepan – cover with enough water and apple cider vinegar. Leave for 20 minutes then add the rest of the water. Add celery, carrots, onion and bay leaves.
Bring to the boil. Then simmer with lid on for 3-4 hours.
Leave to cool.
Season with organic Himalayan pink salt and pepper if wish.
Drink anytime of the day for maximum gut healing properties – low carb and great source of protein and collagen.
Or use in any recipes that require chicken stock
Enjoy x